Thursday, August 20, 2009

Self Esteem

So I haven't written in a while, for a number of reasons, our computer stop working, then we were blessed with a new one, and now I don't have anywhere to put it.  So it is on the hope chest in my room, and to sit and type is hard.  Not only is it hard to sit there for a long period of time, (my legs go numb), but it is really bright and when I am in my writing mood I can't because it wakes TE up.  So....I wrote this a while ago but it is my most recent.

When you google self esteem you get 14,300,000 responses.  Look up self esteem in the dictionary and you get this definition (click here).  Do you ever think about your self esteem?

-Where does it come from?
-How you got/get it?
-Do you have it/one?
-Who feeds it?
-Do you get self esteem because others say nice things about you (do compliments help)?
-How do you build a persons self esteem?
-Do we rely on others to build our own self esteem?
- If famous people didn't have magazines, fans, other famous people telling them how beautiful they are would they feel as confidant as they do now?
-What if no one, I mean NO ONE  feels or tells you, you look nice, or are nice, or kind, or loving, would your self esteem be damaged?
-How important is someone else's opinion?
-If you believe that no one feels you are physically OK can you still feel OK about yourself?

This has been on my mind lately.  I have been growing my hair long, and no one notices it, does that mean that it looks bad?  How come some women can have lots of babies and remain thin, and I have had 2 and can't?  Why does genetics have to be so unfair?  Or... is it our society that is unfair?

I have been working more which means I get up and get dressed and put make up on everyday.  When someone you love and trust comes to you and tells you we need to get clothes that fit.  When asked if my clothes are to small or to big, I get... you just need clothes that fit.  
Is it possible to have a healthy self esteem?  How can I teach my girls positive behavior and self esteem when I believe deep down I am not pretty enough?

A lot of questions that are really hard to answer.  I know we can feel OK with ourselves, we are all different.  What I don't understand is why I have to wake up each day and wonder these things.   I read my scriptures, pray, I know that I am a daughter of God, then why am I feeling so horrible about what I look like?  

Tomorrow I will get up and say positive things about myself in the mirror as I am getting ready, things I like about myself, that I wouldn't change, will it help?  I  hope so, I will also pray for help, I know that I am loved and I am special and I have talents.  All I can do is do my best and 'Keep on Keeping On'.


Unknown said...

I know EXACTLY how that is. It's interesting to see others' problems. Even the pretty people hate themselves I've noticed. So it's all up to us how we veiw ourself. It's not easy to be positive...but I try. Just thought I'd let ya know God loves you EXACTLY as you we should be ok. But I understand how hard it can be to believe that. I'm going through the same thing. None of my clothes fit! And my husband said the same thing to me. Blah. Hope you feel better soon hun.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is just hard to find clothes that fit and I can afford. When I find something that fits - I buy it in all the colors it comes in, even two or three of the same color. I can't have long hair as I don't have much of a neck and with long hair it makes me look as though I do not have a neck at all. Do you have a friend who has really good fashion sense? Ask her opinion and be prepared for her answers whatever they may be. Ask TE what he likes. Just know everyone has an opinion and don't ask if you aren't willing to hear what they have to say. In the end just stop worrying about what others might think and go with makes you feel great.