Friday, May 29, 2009


Imagine you are on merry -go-round, you are having such a good time, nothing can be better than letting your guard down and just enjoying the rush of the wind in your hair.  Now imagine you are in a swing, you lean back and wow that rush is just as fun, the air you feel as you go up...and down...up and down...the freedom, nothing can stop you now.....LIFE.

Life is a merry go round it spins you and spins you and sometimes our life is like a child's, can't get enough of that spinning the feeling of the air.  Then sometimes you can't get off of that merry go round fast enough...with that 'oh no I am going to be sick feeling'.  

What about the swing when we are kids swinging is one of the most fun things you can do.  It gives you a sense of freedom to take you where ever you want to go.  Higher, higher you go, 'please push me higher'.  Life can be like that sometimes as well.  How is your life right now, a swing or a merry-go- round?

Mine...well I kind of feel like I am spinning out of control.   I was looking so forward to the girls being home from school, summer (ahhh), sleeping in, being lazy, taking it easy, lemonade, sitting outside.....LIFE!!!      *EK had surgery, she has to be kept still if anyone knows EK they know she can't sit still, go, go, go that is all she wants to do.  MA is coughing, coughing, coughing can't stop,  we have doctors visits, hospital visits, dentists appointments, fighting.  REST... More fighting, she doesn't like me, she won't stop looking at me, what are we going to eat today, can I have a Popsicle?  YES!!   Quiet, finally.....MOM she just hit me, go to the library, go to the store, shoe breaks (MA) in the store, no shoes there, must keep on going...(faster)...another store MA hobbling along, finally new shoes, trying on each pair, making a mess, which one do I choose, MOM!!!   I don't want to match her shoes, can I have 3 pairs,  I am hungry, are we almost done.   Laundry, it never ends, I can't get caught up, dirt, Popsicle, sick dog, clean out cage, more laundry.  MA just sprayed me with the water squirter (for hair do's of course), take away all squirters, no more room on my night stand, confiscated to many things.   MOM she just broke the plate, ran out of laundry soap, ran out of dish soap, I have nothing for breakfast.  Bronchitis, work, car dies three times on my way, my SHOE breaks at work, have to walk around with one shoe.  Favorite shoes, can't fix them, pay bills, have some extra money YAY movie night, nope, dog needs vaccines, MOM my bird needs more food, more money for this, hair cuts, no extra money.....I am at the point where I am saying 'get me off I am going to be sick'.  LIFE

How should I handle it?  Well let me tell you, I haven't handled it very well.  Lots of timeouts,  for me.  WHEW I am tired.  So many things life can bring you and I believe it is all how you handle the situation.  I am being taught in different ways how to handle my situations.  Watching dear friends suffer deeply and not wavering in their faith,  watching other mothers embracing their little ones, and being thankful that they are healthy and OK.  I have great teachers around me, teaching me everyday about how LIFE can be.  Am I learning?  I believe I am slowly.  I feel that Heavenly Father gave me some really great teachers in my life, and I am so fortunate to be taught by them.  I have a couple of great kids that teach me to laugh at the silly moments and not to be so stressed all the time.  'Chillax' mama, yep from my 6 year old.  Laugh at the shoe breaking moments.  Friends are always giving me lessons, that they don't even know they are teaching me.  I am so blessed.  Life isn't always fun, and sometimes it can be really bad, but I know that I am being helped in small ways, it is sometimes really REALLY hard to see the help, but I am being provided tools to help me enjoy and to lay back and let the breeze blow in my hair.   

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