Thursday, September 11, 2008


There is a country song that asks, what were you doing when the world stopped turning on that September day? Well today I wanted to answer that. I was at home watching a friends young children when I caught a glimpse of the a plane going into the first tower. That got my attention and then a few minutes later I saw the other plane, and then the buildings fall. My thoughts were for all the people that were in those towers, I felt for their families, friends, loved ones and all of those in NY. My thought went to my family. I was hoping they were OK. I called my family and made sure they were OK, even though they don't live in NY I still were concerned for them and wanted them to know I loved them. I then got Tim, I can remember not wanting him to leave me and go to work, I was scared he wasn't going to come back. Every time I heard a plane flying low I got scared.

I then thought of my cousin who lives in Manhattan, I was told by my grandma that she was fine, waiting in line with several hundred others waiting to give blood, to help those that would have needed it. If only they would have needed it. I was scared I didn't know what was happening.

I was barely pregnant with EK and I remember thinking what kind of world will this little girl know (not knowing she was a girl then). I will never forget that day, the fear, sorrow, sadness, confusion, (and then thankfulness), that not only I was feeling.

I was a child when the Challenger blew up and I saw that on TV. I was at home sick with my grandma and I can remember the exact thing I was wearing when that happened. 9/11 is another one of those days. Every year I remember how I felt, and like many people say, 'I (we) will never forget'.

Until Next Time,

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