Sunday, September 14, 2008


So today, no church again, I am getting so frustrated. I woke up in such pain. My family went into Crohn's mode...that is what I call it when mommy can't do much. MA went and got the heating pad, EK water and checking the TP in the bathroom, TG got all the necessary medicine, and me well I tried not to cry out in the pain. I laid on the couch and prayed silently as I always do to help me make it through another Crohn's mode. I am feeling better right now, the pain is a little better, (it doesn't take me nearly as long to walk to the bathroom), my hips and joints are still feeling the pain, but my leg swelling (a new symptom) is slowing going down. Sweet family.....what would I do with out them?

I also wanted to write a few funny things that happen around here. So here goes:

EK and MA ride the bus to school, and we love our bus driver, she is a great lady. There are some kids on the bus that are a little crazy and active. So MA comes home to tell me the bus driver threatened them that if they didn't settle down then she would give her route to someone else and she wouldn't drive them anymore. I didn't think about it anymore until the morning when as the bus drove up the street I heard children yelling out, it isn't MS. Stapleton. I heard this over and over, and as my girls got on the bus, they were very sad thinking they would never see her again. As I was getting ready for work my cell rings, I think oh, no who is it now. When I answered it and MA was on the other line I panicked a little bit. She then asked if she was a car rider or bus rider. In my mind I was thinking MA what do you think, then I said it out loud. She answered a car rider? I then gently reminder her no you are a bus rider. She then told me the funniest thing: "Mom I can't ride the bus home, the 'new' bus driver drove really slow, and then she got lost....She didn't know where to turn in and she ended up going to Kroger, can you believe it mom KROGER...we were late for school, when we finally got there. I DON'T want to ride the bus home, can you ask daddy to pick us up?" I told her that no she had to ride the bus she would be fine, and maybe MRS. Stapleton will be back...."MOM she isn't going to be back, just tell daddy we will see him at 6PM." I laughed so hard when I got off the phone called TG and told him and we both had such a good laugh. KIDS.....

I have other stories that I tell my friends at work, but I can't remember any of them right now. I will have to try again some other time. The girls keep us laughing all the time with the things they do.

I am still feeling horrible, just wanted everyone to know. I will survive I always do, but I don't know how sometimes. I pray and ask for help and then I wake up the next day and seem to be a little better. I sleep a lot and I guess that is my bodies way of helping me out. I sometimes wonder why and how I will see the next day, and wonder what people might think of me for missing church. Oh, well I tell my self, I do what I can, and Heavenly Father knows me and my heart. For now I must go and prop up my swollen legs.

Until Next Time,

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